This shows a list of the activities you have added into the system, as well as activities added by other users where you have been included as a participant.

Company activities can also be added here. Company activities are visible by all users and can be used for events such as public holidays and other events affecting everyone in the company. To create a company activity, you need to be your company's Blaq Administrator (see the Company section for details). Simply create a normal activity but set the 'Owner' as 'None'.

  • Activity - a name or description for the activity.
  • Location - where the activity is being held.
  • Type - a category for the activity. These are setup in the Activity Types section.
  • Date - when the activity will occur, or for recurring events, the first date it will occur.
  • to - for recurring events, the last date the activity will occur.
  • Start Time - the time the activity will begin.
  • runs for - how long the activity will go for. Enter a number then select the units: minutes, hours or days.
  • Reminder - when to remind you of the activity. Leave as 'none' for no reminder.
  • Recurrence - how often the activity should occur. Choose an option from the list then fill in the parameters for that option. Leave as 'once only' for a single event.
  • Entered By - the person who created the activity
  • Owner - the person who is managing the activity. Administrators can pick 'none' which will cause the activity to appear in every user's activities, eg. company holidays
  • Participants - other people involved with the activity.
Company & Contact Details
  • Company - the company the activity involves.
  • Contact - a contact involved with the acitivity.
  • Privacy - determines who can see the activity.
    • Public - anyone who can see your calendar can see the details of this activity
    • Private - anyone else will see you as busy
    • Confidential - nobody else can see the activity.
  • Status - the status of the activity.
  • Comments - any additional notes.
Last modified: 24/02/2010