This shows a list of activity with your contact, such as meetings.

  • Activity - a name or description for the activity.
  • Location - where the activity is being held.
  • Type - a category for the activity. These are setup in the Activity Types section.
  • Date - when the activity will occur, or for recurring events, the first date it will occur.
  • to - for recurring events, the last date the activity will occur.
  • Start Time - the time the activity will begin.
  • runs for - how long the activity will go for. Enter a number then select the units: minutes, hours or days.
  • Reminder - when to remind you of the activity. Leave as 'none' for no reminder.
  • Recurrence - how often the activity should occur. Choose an option from the list then fill in the parameters for that option. Leave as 'once only' for a single event.
  • Entered By - the person who created the activity
  • Owner - the person who is managing the activity. Administrators can pick 'none' which will cause the activity to appear in every user's activities, eg. company holidays
  • Participants - other people involved with the activity.
Company & Contact Details
  • Company - the company the activity involves.
  • Contact - a contact involved with the acitivity.
  • Privacy - determines who can see the activity.
    • Public - anyone who can see your calendar can see the details of this activity
    • Private - anyone else will see you as busy
    • Confidential - nobody else can see the activity.
  • Status - the status of the activity.
  • Comments - any additional notes.